Jose Manuel Peral
Professional Career:
As a Co-founder of P&C Legal and Tax Advisors, Jose Manuel develops all the Legal Tax areas, specialising in International Tax Planning, Non Residents Income and Non Spanish Individuals or companies.
He has developed all his career in Madrid:
From 2007 until 2009, Jose worked at PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PwC), the most important advisory company of the world, doing tax for audits and international tax advisory.
From 2009 until 2011 he moved to the International Tax Departmen at Grant Thornton, the fourth biggest audit company in the world. From 2011 to 2013 he has been responsible for the International tax and Compliance area at the international cost optimization company Lowendalmasai.
In addition, Jose has been involved in other projects; In 2008 he started a company in Uruguay with other four partners called G11Futbol, were his main tasks were tax advisory and contract negotiation.
He has also, he has developed business plans for several "start-ups" such as the aforementioned G11Futbol and Jewwe Social Network, among others.
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Business Administration, University Francisco de Vitoria (2007).
Masters Degree in Business Strategy, University Francisco de Vitoria (2007).
Masters Degree in Tax, IE (2009).
MBA, EOI (2011).
Course of Non Established Individuals or Companies, focused in Sportsmen (2013).