Miguel Ángel Peral
Lawyer, Responsible for the Legal and Property, Neighbourhood and Community Management.
Languages: Spanish, English.
Professional Career:
Co-Founder at P&C Legal and Tax Advisors and advises on all legal matters. In particular he specialises in Real Estate Conveyancing, Commercial and Inheritance or Succession law. Miguel is also qualified as an Official Property Manager, registered and recognised by the Malaga Association of Property Managers, he is responsable for this mentioned area.
From 2001 until 2003 Miguel trained at Forum Abogados C.B, one of the most prestigious lawfirms in Marbella, specialising in Real Estate and Mortages law. From 2003 until 2004 he worked at Carretero Abogados, who also specialise in Real Estate lawfirm. At 2005 he founded Peralco Abogados, that has grown and developed into P&C Tax and Legal Advisors.
Educational background:
Bachelor of Law (University San Pablo CEU, Madrid, 2000).
Master Degree in Law, Private Law specialisation (San Pablo CEU Madrid, 2001).
Course in Town Planning (2003).
Official Certificate and Registration, Malaga Outsourcing Managers (2006).
Official Certificate and Registration, Malaga Property Managers (2010).